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Games > PC
1.97 GB


Sep 2, 2012




I Am Alive (c) Ubisoft

09/2012: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Solidshield
1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: Action

One year after, a worldwide cataclysmic event that wiped most of the human
race, a man struggles for survival in a desolate city as he tries to reunite
with his long lost wife and daughter. In this post-apocalyptical tale, there
are no supernatural threats, just an everyman who faces a decaying and
hazardous world and humanity's darkest inclinations. Will you hang on to
your humanity and help strangers or are you ready to sacrifice others in
order to survive?

The dead city of Haventon, immersive and treacherous

Explore the destroyed, crumbling city across different atmospheric levels
climbing your way to safety. Environments tell the story of the world as it
stood before and of what has happened to the city and its people

Unpredictable encounters

Survivors will adopt different behaviors and adapt to your actions. Some
are friendly and need assistance, some are scared and others are hostile
and will use group tactics to take you down. Will you go out of your way
and sacrifice your few precious resources to help those in need?

Intimidation-based combat

Combat is deadly and ammo is scarce. Players will have to use deception to
deal with enemies. Cowards may bow down fast to the threat of an empty gun
but aggressive enemies will put you to the test

Stamina and resource management

Every effort has its cost. Manage your stamina skillfully to gain access
to hidden. Look for resources and supplies scattered throughout the city:
water, food, gas, medicine, tools, climbing gears, weapons, ammo and
anything else that you can salvage from the destroyed city could prove
helpful in your quest

2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Copy the content from Crack directory on the DVD to the srcSystem
sub-directory of where you installed the game
As usual we recommend blocking this exe along with the launcher exe using
your systems firewall
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT !


Note: We need anything you can offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etc
please contact us on piratepedia[@]msn/ or our website torentz 3xforum ro
Seed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrent

I Am Alive-RELOADED Torrent Free Download

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Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced
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Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.
Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.
For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES,
system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads,
pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages.
IF the game does not work for you then update drivers, directX, components
as netframework/redist files/etc, run as administrator, change compatibility
mode, block/disable access to internet, copy crack/overwrite, other tweaks,etc
Search here for any future updates/working status/etc, or any other quality Scene Release & filesharing sites.
Stop using stupid av's as AVG reporting false positive viruses-disable or use ESET
bored, i will give it a try ty
OMG ITS OUT??!?!?! EZ u da best :))))
seeeeeed plz
Thanks So much i been wating for this one from 2009 trailer tnx tnx tnx
extremezone, when does sims 3 supernatural come out?
wow, did not think it would be cracked so soon... Please someone be kind enough to upload a crack only. about 1000 people already got the other torrent without crack.
Just hope i can run it cause there is no system requirements yet.
forget my last comment, just found crack only (guess I need to learn how to read)
Installation says that i dont have enough space on disk but i have 400gigs free,HELP!
anyone else have problem install this game? i have serious problems with the installer
It says that i dont have enough space on disc but i have 400gigs free,HELP!
Works. Be patient with the installer. XBox controller works as well.

Had it on XBOX, but wanted the full-fledged 1080p PC gaming experience, thanks EZ
extremezon thanks men ur the best
2 GB !!! Hmm...strange
Guys i need help i used all the cracks avaliable and i blocked the exes with the firewall but i still get this -Entry point not found- error :

The procedure entry point _BinkSetMixBins@16 could not be located in the dynamic link lybrary bink32.dll. i even updated the dll file and still the same....anyone passed this one ? :D thx

sounds like a codec install issue... cant be sure however.

couple weeks back I formatted my pc, I installed the full K-Lite Media Pack, as I do after any clean install... and never have a codec issue since I have been using it a few years ago.

On a side note, warning for anyone with a g110 keyboard or similar.. that damn freeze bug exists in this game **sometimes the keyboard will freeze and last key press will stuck constantly until you unplug/replug the keyboard**. should be able to continue playing on after that, however its still bloody annoying.

same problem existed in dirt3, not had the issue again until now, trying to find a way around it... with dirt I ended up using my ps3 controller along with the motionjoy/ds3tool drivers, might need to do that again :/
yeh about that; motion joy doesn't seem to solve the controller problem entirely, IDK if its from my version, but the right analogue stick is apparently un-useable for camera, and it seems menu navigation is inactive too. so i'm kinda stuck with the keyboard controls...
i wiped my codecs and installed the K-Lite still no progress, game won't start and is giving me the same error...maybe i need a fix but google search came up empty...this is so frustrating ...
i hope it's not my hardware (it is a little old) but hell i run Skyrim and Crysis 2 no problem...
Can someone who tested it confirm that this is XP supported, when Sleeping Dogs came out it was also written that it supported xp but it didn't... thanks, cheers..

after playing around with the games settings file, i managed to get the right stick working for camera ingame, and direction pad working to navigate the menu and Triangle to accept in menus. however the other buttons are not mapped right, so working on that.

UserSettings.ini in the games directory.

scroll down near the bottom and change these lines.




Strange, try a couple things..

1st, might seem too obvious.. but try restarting the computer if you have not done so.

2nd, delete the bink file you downloaded and reinstall the game.

3rd, make sure binkw32.dll is located in I Am AliveSrcSystem folder along with IAmAlive_game.exe

4th, try moving binkw32.dll to windowssystem folder.

This next step I'm unsure if it will work, but is worth a shot.

5th, edit UserSettings.ini and change RunValidation=True to RunValidation=False
Works perfectly; thanks EZ, +1 for another excellent torrent. Takes a few minutes to start doing anything at all, but once it gets going it doesn't take too long, & the game IS worth it.
In my last comment, I said this game works perfectly, but I've come across an issue; I'm using PS3 controller with Xpadder, using the E button is no problem untill I have to push that guy into the pit, nothing happens; I then tried the Xbox360 controller, Axis wise, it's ok, but the config is all over the place, but the X button is the same as the E button, still can't push the guy into the pit, so game does have some issues, I can't get pst that point though, anyone get past it?
thanx EZ for this game, wazn't really expectin to lay my hands on it this soon...

YO! thanks on the config tips too, silly me, i had totally forgotten abt them usersetting files, and how u can tweak them when u're facing problems in in-game modes...

Np, not sure what else can be done with the config file, seems like nothing else i changed effected the bindings.

I did manage to get the controller working though, its not perfect but it works.

create a custom profile in MotioninJoy/ds3tool, have all buttons set as keystrokes except aim and fire which will be mouse buttons ( i chose right trigger to aim weapon, square button to fire ). set other keystrokes as you like.

change left analog stick to keystrokes and bind them to WDSA

change right analog stick to mouse axis up,down,left,right

as i said, its not perfect (although much better than i thought it would be) but it works.


Try setting your buttons up like i mentioned here.

maybe someone who knows how to get the bindings working properly can give it a shot, that would be much smoother.

I'm going to just put up with the keyboard issue i think for as long as possible, i hear its a really short game anyhow.

Good luck.
update to my previous post...

forgot to mention you must disable the gamepad option at the ingame menu for the button presses to work correctly, also in UserSettings.ini I left XBoxControllerAxis=true
@scrapith, thanks, but I have no config issues with PS3 controller, it's perfect, the problem is that the E (Interact) button doesn't work when I need to push the guy in the pit, I've tried it directly from the keyboard, & the E button works everywhere else, I think we might have to wait for an update patch, cheers anyway.
Ok, to update, I've gotten past that pit situation, it's not the config, it's just the way the game makers have put the game together, they have made it so you have to be in the exact position to execute the manuvre; smooth sailing now though, cheers to all.
When I start the install something is being extracted in C/ and it fucked up my whole space.Now i have 0 byte space and I cant even play the game.Could someone tell me where is this file being extracted?
My emulated Xbox 360 gamepad works perfectly in the action bits but when I go to the menu I can NOT zoom the map in or out. I have this on my PS3 as well and there I had no problems with the ZOOM function. PS Still great to have Uncharted on PC but why did they make it black and white??
The game works BUT:

I'm getting EGREGIOUS TEXTURE POP-IN problems. I mean, everything from the intro and main character either pop in and out constantly or textures simply do not load at all! o_0

Any suggestion...? =/
this is real deal or not ?
Another flawless release from RELOADED. Tanks and thank you extremezone !

@Kill3rXD that "something" is the game itself and by default is installed in C:Program files or C:Program files (86) if you have Win 7 64 bit version. Try install on another partition if you don t have space but the game is small - about 2 GB and it shouldn t be a problem.
The game have controlling issue, am using xbox 360 controller and Camera rotation doesnt work
Get the R.G. Origiami release instead, that one works and it doesnt take an hour to install! Im sad to say but this release should be nuked.
People stop saying shits !
-downloaded in about 1 hour
-installed under 10 minutes
-controls work just fine
Is the PC version and is free so use the god damn keyboard and mouse
is it only on my pc or..?

the textures are missing and appearing. everything is broken... :S
i'm sorry, i didn't realize this was a console peasant torrent...oh it isn't, then what is with all this console pit pat? Which is better? neither...PC is for adults, get it right kids...and it is better in every way. Whats that, your outdated consoles have better exclusives? Pity that is the only reason you youngins try to validate why console is better than PC.

works perfect, great torrent...controls are perfect as well...keyboard and mouse that is, the way PC is meant to be played :D
@ Scrapith
omg, omg, omg, dude if u were a girl i would kiss you now! that did it! i wiped everything,had to deactivate stupid UAC, edited the .ini file and IT WORKED :D :D :D
thank you thank you thank you :D
where MotioninJoy/ds3too is located? @Scrapith
guys why is that game so small ? is this a demo?
Thank you!
guys, i cant seem to open the installer, everytime i double click the setup, it freezes my pc, please help, i want to play this game =(
It's single 2GB setup file which is a RAM killer so you have to be patient if you have less than 8GB RAM. It will install eventualy
for thriftstoretalent:

How to solve consoles issues for good:

Throw to garbage XBOX and Playstation as weel, no matter the generation number and buy a PC;)
Consoles are for half-brained people ONLY.Got that?
What are system requiments?
why my pc freeze when i clicked the setup.exe?
i tried hundred times to install but always after 10 minutes it pops up im out of space i click ok and it closes ... i have 6 gb on C: but in instalation i put it to install on D: , but it still wont ... pls help someone
does anyone having problem clicking on setup.exe, because when i click setup, my pc gets frozen and i have to force restart my pc, i only have 2gb of ram, is that what my problem is?
Is this full or blackbox ????i mean the size its tooo small "|
FYI: When installing my comp used almost 4GB of RAM and once I got to where it actually installs the program it sat there for a couple of minutes before it started copying files. SO BE VERY PATIENT with this one. This issue doesn't have anything to do with extremezone or RELOADED. And besides its only $15 on steam here pretty soon.
heres what i did:

i download EZ's i am alive torrent

then when i mount the iso on daemon tools it just freezes, not responding, then my whole desktop froze, cant do anything, is the iso broken?
i think iso is broken, i tried it on magic iso, still freezes my pc =(
Game works fine,yes,installer/setup will froze for a bit just leave it,it will finish evantually.(try to change the install language to English UK)

Really great game. 9/10
wORKS BUT HAS A WEIRD LAGG, cant play game freezes for 1 sec in every 5 seconds
anyone has the link for cheat codes or trainer ?? i really suck at this game :D
@prince__vlad the difference with console and pc gamers. console gamers use both pc and console, Pc gamers just bitch about how good pc is. And the only time a pc actually beat console is when you pay 5x more then a actually console.

Awsome!, almost did not include that 5th option lol.. was just a last minute thought


i am using Version 0.6.0003, however there are newer versions there which i only just noticed after checking up the link for you.

@people who are saying use keyboard for whatever reason.

i agree 100% that games on pc should be played with keyboard and mouse, however there are times where that might not be the best option.

in my case i have a logitech g110 keyboard, these keyboards have some sort of bug which lucky i've only encountered twice, first with dirt3 and second with this game. and the bug makes the keyboard randomly just stop working while until you unplug/replug.

it is really annoying, just glad its only those two mentioned games effected so far that i have found.

in times like this a gamepad can come in handy, although i ended up sticking with the keyboard and dealing with the issue since this game's gamepad settings do not seem right, at least for me.

other reasons are kind of obvious where a gamepad comes in handy, dirt3 was like 600% better with a gamepad, due to having analog sticks for stearing, and even analog buttons for acceleration. and then there are flight simulators. lol, but that's going way off topic.
Hey guys i need some help
Finish download and setup, i can go to game menu without problem.
But when i'm begin to play the game, the main char and buildings, cars, streets,... is not appear, some time it appear like 1 second and then dissapear (like a flash) . The only thing i can see is the background ( an empty street next and a river ).
I dont know what's wrong . Help me :((
I was waiting this game for a long time .
My spec : AMD X3 440 3Ghz. RAM 2GB. VGA 1GB.
Work fine after remove AVG lol
PROBLEM ALERT! everything was 100% ok i played it like 2 hours no problem until i play it for 2nd time today at main menu was extremely LAG! fix at 3fps so i reinstall the game and still the guessing theres a problem with the crack or the setting which automatically extracted somewhere in your computer

I'm having the same problem! How did you "remove" AVG? Do you mean you UN-INSTALLED the program entirely?
nevermind i got it to install, thanks for the tip on the freeze pc issue, saved my butt, great game! thanks EZ! you're the best at uploading games =)
Un-installing AVG does not work for me for the graphics glitch.

Anyone have any suggestions on this?
@prince_vlad I couldn't agree with you more.
why it tell me there is no enough space while ill have about 10 gigz free
i want the serial number
plz send me the number
my e-mail
@0rochimaru : This probably monitor problems . The last thing i do is close processes

MOM.exe - Catalyst control center : Monitoring program .

I use Game Booster and they recommend me to close that file . I've try and after that the game work fine ! .
You should try this . Good luck :D

My game is still fucked up with this graphic glitch, tried everything you said. Btw,With "AVG", do you mean antivirus?
One more thing, I have hd radeon 5700 series, is it to bad to run this game? could the card be the reason for the same graphic problem?
I dont remember exactly how to make it work.
Try this :
Copy/Overwrite this below settings to file

It still doesnt work unfortunately :(. Same thing happens.
Thankyou extremezone :)
Go to folder "support" and install DirectX and VCRedist. This is the last thing i remember what i've done last night :)) Otherwise you must wait for some pro work it out .

Best luck to you :D

Thanks. I'll try this and report back. Very strange problem... never had it anything like it before...
Still no progress actually. Weird, I was so excited for this one :(
Btw, this doesnt work with windows 7 32 bit? compatible error on my friends computer.
Release date by Wikipedia: Microsoft Windows
September 13, 2012[. What is this? Is it fake?
works fine
playing since y-day
only took me to mount the image and install without extracting the iso
thank you extremezone
Works fine on windows 7 32 bit and thxxxx

I played with the video options .ini, restarted, re-installed, tried with AVG un-installed, shut Catalyst down... but nada.

Must have a selective ATI card compatibility bug. It's not an unknown problem. Might have to wait until its retail release so others complain to You-Be-Flaccid and a patch is released.

Typical console ports... -_-
i was having dll errors for some three dll files i find different binkw32.dll i replace and i avoid the previous problems but now i got this problem it said GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT
please reply someone

Go into Cataylst Control Centre > go to the "MIPMAP (Detail Level)" parameter > set this to SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE MINIMUM SETTING.

Once you begin the game, you will see objects strewn on the floor (like kid's toys) on the inro screen and this means it's worked (no need to enter the game proper for testing).

Checked this repeatedly and it works for me 100% using HD Radeon 4670 (1GB) and the problem reoccurs when switch back. So "MIPMAP" must be higher than minimum for this game.

No need to thank me, I know I'm universally loved ^_^
It won't let me move my player or camera at all, kinda bullshit, using mouse and keyboard of course.
I have a problem.The game installed fine and the keyboard and mouse controller also works fine upto the point when I have to push the man in the pit by pressing E and then after picking up his machatte I supposed to open the gate with it.First I pressed E and then the game shows I have to press left mouse button repeatedly.I have done exactly what it is shown but everytime the LMB icon turns red and the gate doesn't open.What's the problem?How to open the gate?
is the game really short or something? it's awfully small.
smash your LMB. click click click is not enough.

neither short nor long. proper. and replayable.
@0rochimaru :hahaha nice work bro . My friend have the same problem, i think whole day to remember what i do to fix that but i cant hahaha .
Hey anyone get past the gate after kicking the man in the pit and picking up his machete in the first chapter????? Plz tell me the solution.I got stuck here...........
@sr2005 is not a bug, just pres LMB very fast and it will beome green
@xxela,yes it works atlast.Thanks for the info.
guys i need serial no, wont open..

why i am getting and error when i try to launch game, it says graphic card is not supported i have GeForce GTX 660M
Are you fucking kidding me? How is this 1.97GB? I thought it was going to be bigger! What was cut?
good torrent, fast and reliable. the game works fine but takes a bit to install. unfortunatly, in my opinion, i think the game sucks (quite easy, boring storyline) and its a waste of time to play/download it. anyway, download if you want, torrent's legit!
Guys I have a problem here. When I'm trying to install this game I can not unack it because of low space on C drive. Even when I changed path to install it on D drive installer is still trying to (temporary?) unpack on my C which is impossible.

So the question is - Can I somehow change directory of unpacking?
If anyone facing problem with textures, just lower game's resolution. try to play with 800x600 resolution and it'll fix your missing textures problem.
nahhhhh, this game is boss. Torrent takes FUCKING FOREVER to install, but downloads fine
Works perfect without any problem, but installation takes while thought you have to wait, and to which ever drive you install the game, you should have at least 6 to 7 GB free space in your C drive.
Hello i downloaded this and then installed it and its asking me a serial number key to play the game? anybody know a way around this?
hey guys,it was downloaded perfectly but i'm having problems with the Installing, every time i try to install the game it takes a while, then it asks me where should it take place, i choose then it takes a longer while the BAM! i get this
hey guys,it was downloaded perfectly but i'm having problems with the Installing, every time i try to install the game it takes a while, then it asks me where should it take place, i choose then it takes a longer while the BAM! i get this "Error: -1603 Fatal error during installation
Consult Windows Installer Helper (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more information." WTF is that?!!!
same problem here bro!!! :(
Ubisoft this is why we NEVER buy you'r game!!!
This game is a wrecked shitty port, and have the same issue Assassins Creed 1 had for christ sake!!! The controller support is broke. I don't know how many months untill you make this port and still nothing better in a graphic stand point of a game that already had poor quality graphics to begin with.
I "pirate" your game I saw it sucks and guess what never gonna play it again!!! See if don't even invest in your game why should we.
Thats why you don't give us any demo because it would turn us off buying. Thats why we pirate and don't come to buy it. You had more trouble make the DRM than porting the fucking game?!?!
Shit game! I cant believe people are paying money for such crap!
for anyone having the disk space issue when it tries to extract to your windows drive but runs out of space , you need to change the value of your TEMP variable and set it to a drive which has lots of free space. Because before installing it extracts the temp files to the path pointed to by the variable TEMP and from there it installs the game to the path you provide. So change the value of that variable. For doing that go the the properties of "My Computer" by right clicking it.
Then go to Advanced and then click on Environment variables .
Here you will see TEMP and TMP (in the User variables section) defined to a path on your windows partition. Change that to point to a directory on a partition which has lots of free space.
If you dont find the variables there then create them under user variables.
Once done, reboot your PC and then try installing the game again.
Seriousfkngly?. You fkn morons should know that it only consumes 2gig of space, installed. Cocksuckers are lying with all that 6 to 7gB shit.

Game itself is pretty taxing on GPU.
Can anyone confirm is this a full game? Takes some time to install, be patient.
Requirements are not really true it works on my computer: 2.9ghz single core, 512mb graphics, 2.5 ram
help when i install the game it says that "the setup has detected no version of iam alive is installed. the specified command -line options require that the application to be installed to be continued." HELP
Its funny to see how many people complaining about the requirement of space. When you unrar the file, it gets bigger. This game is in fact much bigger than 1.97 gb.
Hey guys.Extremezone my friend thanks a lot for an another awesome release mate.U rule dude u rule..And Reloaded great like always.Now i have 2 questions.Can i somehow disable the visual effect like fog-Grainy or something that we can see inside the game.!I think u guys know what i am talkng about and there is no option in the options menu like in other games that u can disable it.!?And is this game in black and white like i saw in the begining of the game or is something going on with my Card drivers or something.??I have an Nvidia GTX 570 and all of my other games play awesome with color and stuff in ultra high that i am playing in 1680x1050 on a 22" and i am cool.Only this game play in this black and white but now i thinking about i believe that is games thing.???
Thanks ez, good torrent bad game.
Hi, its working so far lol(y) but ca some1 plz give me a serial number? Thx:)
Hey, guys.The game works fine but when it loads the 4th level(Dust),it stucks!!!Do you know what's the problem?
Nothing I do can get this steaming pile of a game to work with my wired madcatz gamepad.

I usually feel mildly ashamed to illegally download a game, but not this time. I would be going apeshit right about now if I actually paid for this travesty of a port job.

You know, this would honestly be ground for a class-action lawsuit. Says in the product details when purchasing that controllers are supported. But no, they obviously ARE NOT. False advertising, assholes.
HI Dude,

I just downloaded this game, install and play. There is no single issue with me. I use the same method already told by extreamezone in the introduction of the game as follows,

1- Mount the image
2- Install
3- copy the file from Crack folder of the Mounted directory
4- Pasted it in the installed folder of I am Alive/SRC and overwrite the existing file.

And played first mission comfortably.

Try it may be work,

test comment
Guys some help please:

Install ok, graphics ok but no sound when in-game. Menu, intro sound is ok!

its work very fine on windows 7 64-bit

its boring to play this game..
installs fine but camera returns to highest angle so im staring at my head unless im continuously moving the mouse up.
Comments coming soon
Thanks , Downloading at 700kB/s.
Good Job guys :P
TY......Game is fine.
The game works fine!
I've seen a few other people asking the same question with no one responding. I downloaded the game and and it's asking for a serial number how do i get past this please!
can't install the game.
when i do the setup, a window pops up and says something like:
Setup found, that there's no version of "i am alive" installed, i need to install the game before finish the setup... WTF????????????????
Das Setup hat festgestellt das keine Version von i am alive installiert ist.
Nach den festgelegten Befehlszeilenoptionen kann der Vorgang nur fortgesetzt werden, wenn die Anwendung installiert wird.
Das Setup wird jetzt beendet.
I read some of the comments, that says the installer is slow, I mounted and started the installer and 10 min later...... nothing it just sits there thinking the install window hasnt even appeared, nothing. It just sits there thinking, cant do anything else but unmount it. Anyone else have this issue of installer not even starting
Everything works fine for me up until I go to play the crack it says "The program can't start because Lead3DEngine.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I've tried reinstalling a couple times and it doesn't help. Any suggestions?
Thank you saghirsro I missed that minor detail about where exactly your supposed to put the crack. Works great for Windows 7 by the way there is no serial key needed if you put the crack into the right folder and play it from there.
Go To For HD Movies Only..
what should I write in serial number open I am alive?
Um...this game is shit. The torrent is great, the game is shit. I'm assuming the only thing that has been modified is the cracks, so the installer is from the game. The installer is shit. It takes 10 minutes just to open up the installer, then when it did open, it gave me an error about needing a copy of the game installed to install the game. What?? Who designed this? A monkey?
this seems to be good but it wasn't made to be played on a computer the controls are just annoying trying to play it with a mouse
The game works fine on windows 8 64bit.
Little slow installation.
If game wont start because of .dll (mine was d3dx9_43.dll) simply download the .dll file and copy it in program files>ubisoft>i am alive> src>system.
Hope this helps.
Install the game, copy the crack to I Am Alive>src>System (overwrite), run the game via 'IAmAlive_game'(NOT through the launcher). It doesn't ask for a serial key if you copy the crack in the correct folder.

Works just fine. Thanks EZ!
looks like i only have this are awful cant even start the game cause mouse moves very slowly!
Plz seed seed seed plz i love that games so much plz seed :(
did everthing correctly and into proper folder. Did not ask to overwrite just placed itself in folder and still asks for activation code.
Thx extremezone its awesome :D
Well I finally got the installer to run but now halfway through installing I get "Error 1719: Windows installer service could not be accessed" I generally have no issues with extremezones uploades but this one is being a bitch. Any help would be apreciated.
Guys I'm having an issue here. When I try to install a message pops up saying : "Setup found, that there's no version of "i am alive" installed..."

Can anyone help me here???
I am Fucking Angry Now
eveything works fine thk Do your WINDOWS especially visual+ UPDATE (important update only) even if u don't have legit windows (fix all the install problems)same thing for graphic card driver and directx. Took 5 min to download and 15 min to Install. Game is working perfectly (windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits dual core 3.0 5 gb ram gtx 560) I repeat DO your windows update
if they ask for serial key u didn't copy the crack properly u need to copy the crack in c:/program/files(x86)/Ubisoft/IAmAlive/src/System DO not launch with IAmAlive_Launcher you mus launch with IAmAlive_game hope this works DO YOUR WINDOWS UPDATE sry for the repeat but it honestly fix ALL the problems with EVERY torrent (especially ubisoft)
help when i run installer, iamalive.msi extracts and the installer runs.But after that, a window comes saying "do u want to remove all of the selected applications?" i click no and the installer closes.i click yes and an unhandled exception happens saying "could not find DLL:Install help blablabla...." so plzzzz help me i want this game
Just installed and it works great other than some lag cause my rig sucks. How do I block the exe's?
A great game. Nice for those who like to challenge puzzle game and survival.
It work fine at Windows 8. install and copy the crack.
Rmb to block the internet connection through firewall setting.
Search "How to block internet connection for application" on google to do that
when i istall the game it says the setup has dected that no version of i am alive is installed the specified command line options require that the application be installed to continue
the setup will now terminated help me plz
fckng torrent useless i waste my time to download dis torrent works fine win 7 32bit , AMD Phenom x4 2.2ghz 6 gb ram (3 usable) ati 5670 1 gb. Game installs fine runs fine, only problem .. game gets boring doing the same crap 50 times to get through 1 area. Very stupid that bullets are RARE but the computer shoots at you over n over, and you get 1 bullet from the kill. Just lame how the game was made and the trailers make it look first person and its not. Wish they would have taken more time to make this game a bit better.
Game installs and runs fine the only problem is the mouse lag and sensitivity